Microsoft Office Access – supporting your business development
John worked closely with the office team at Red Hill Christian Centre… as our needs have grown and changed he has trained us to adapt this at each stage.
Read Full TestimonialEach of our virtual courses are full day courses, these run from 9:30am to 4pm with a lunch break and two coffee breaks to break up the day. Even though the agendas have set timings, we are able to alter these to suit yourself if needed. As well as our standard course agenda, we are able to create a bespoke course agenda to accommodate your training needs. Whatever it is that you need just ask, we’d be happy to help.
The key content that is covered in the virtual training course can be found below:
The objective of this course is to equip the trainee with the skills to be able to create a simple slide show presentation. This will done through the use of a master slide layout and also using some design templates. As well as this, we will cover the introduction of pictures, charts, text and the different slide styles available. From the course the trainee will gain experience in how to run a slide show through using transitions and simple custom animation. Finally we will look at how you can use action buttons and also an introduction to inserting movie and sound objects.