Excel Navigation Short Cuts and Tips – saving you time in Excel!

Excel Navigation – Shortcuts for you to use!

Excel navigation shortcuts: Excel iconThis hint and tip is all about optimising your time in navigating Excel!

As Excel is used more and more in business for both storing rows and rows of list data and also for controlling company systems, its really important to optimise your time in navigating your way around a worksheet.

At JPL IT Training Limited, we know how important optimising time is and so to this end we’ve put together a few shortcuts, hints and tips which may help.


Short Cut or Action…        …What is does


Cell in A1. Control+Shift+EndSelects the whole worksheet for every active cell

Cell in last active cell in worksheet. Control+Shift+HomeSelects the whole worksheet for every active cell

Cell in top active cell in a column. Control+Shift+down arrowSelects all active cells in a column

Control+Page Up or Control+Page DownTab between active worksheets

Select first active sheet, hold down Shift button, select last Active sheetPuts those sheets and in-between into Group active selection mode

Select a column. View Tab, Freeze PaneFreezes all columns to the left of selected column

Select a cell. View Tab, Freeze PaneFreezes all rows above and columns to the left of selected cell

Right Click on a column heading, Hide columnHides that column temporarily


As there are literally hundreds of command keys in Excel and not all on the main ribbons, it is good practice to create your own shortcut Tabs and Ribbons.

To do this, right click on any existing ribbon and choose customise a ribbon. You can then create a number of custom groups and rename them under your new ribbon and drag favoured commands in to them.

We cover these features and more on our Basic Excel training course but there are many others features and commands covered in our other Excel courses ranging from Intermediate to Master Class.

The key content for our Excel courses can be found here. Take a look at some customer comments who have found these course and tips useful!

For further details on Excel navigation or other areas of the package, please email us on johnlegge@jplcomputer.co.uk


Why not take a look at our previous post on differences between Word, Excel and Outlook?